Title: Curse Words Author: cageyklio Team: The Geeks Word Count: 100 Fandom: TBBT Characters/Pairings: Penny, Leonard, Howard, Raj, Sheldon Rating/Warnings: PG Author's Notes: This is sort of lilyayl's fault, but she would have done it better.
Title: I'll Take D'oh! for $500, Alex Author: cageyklio Team: The Geeks Word Count: 100 Fandom: TBBT Characters/Pairings: Penny, Sheldon, Leonard Rating/Warnings: PG Author's Notes: None
Title: I Can Only Speak My Mind Author: cageyklio Team: The Geeks Word Count: 100 Fandom: TBBT Characters/Pairings: Sheldon, Penny Rating/Warnings: PG Author's Notes: The song is "Julia" by The Beatles. Available here (assuming I got the permissions fixed)